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Whitetail Deer Hunting Tips

Whitetail deer hunting requires skill, practice and a lot of patience. That is why it is very important to know some whitetail deer hunting tips. You can read some of these tips below.

First you need to identify the best areas where you can hunt whitetail deers looking for signs like deer footprints, scrapes, scat, or sources of food such as trees with many acorns or areas with greens like clover or rye covering the ground.

Second, make sure you know how to correctly use your hunting weapons (be them rifles and bows). If you prefer rifles, then the rifle's caliber should be 243 or larger, and the shooting range should be less than or equal to 100 yards for women and less than or equal to 150 yards for men. If you prefer bows, then the bows' draw weight should be at least 45 lbs. and the shooting range should be less than or equal to 30 yards.

Camouflage is also very important. Use the appropriate type of hunting clothes: in our case hunters must necessarily wear orange vests or hats in order to be seen by other hunters. Besides this hunters generally wear a shirt, a sweater or jacket (in case it is cold) and a pair of camo pants from fabric material, synthetic material or wool. Wool is a great material because keeps you warm all the time and it's very quiet.

Another very important tip is to hide your scent. You can do that by using different scent covering products. These products not only cover your smell but in some cases they are also helping the animal to come closer to you (since they can contain scents that whitetail deers like). You can also use the wind in your favor, the most efficient way is to be downwind from your prey.

Calling can help a lot, and one can use one of the 3 following calling sounds: bleat, grunt and antler rattlers. The bleat is useful only for early-season archery hunters but the grunt is the most useful from all three (as it attracts the deers' attention better). Last but not least do not forgot to hunt adapting yourself to weather changes. These are among the most important whitetail deer hunting tips, so if you want to have a great hunting experience do not forget to use them correctly.

Last but not least do not forgot to hunt adapting yourself to weather changes. These are some of the most important whitetail deer hunting tips, so if you want to have a great hunting experience do not forget use them!

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